Friday, April 10, 2009

A Successful Evening of Feasting!

Last night our new congregation hosted our second “large” group event when we held an Agape Feast at the Hampton Inn in Lino Lakes. As I mentioned in an earlier blog I had never led an Agape Feast before. I enjoyed learning about them and working with our new congregation’s leaders in planning one.

The event was a big success—27 people came, 22 adults and five kids. We had four new families come—and some of them want to be part of our Emerging Community.

We also collected 85 pounds of food (84 items) for the local Food Shelf. I'm very excited about this display of generosity by our new congregation.

At the service we sang together (really for the first time), heard two Scriptures about love, had about ten minutes to reflect and talk in small groups about qualities of love we heard in the Scriptures, ate a simple meal, heard me talk about future ministries in our new church, and stayed around afterwards to talk.

We were very blessed to have Chaz Ruark attend. He is our Presbytery’s new Executive Presbyter.

It’s a blast to live out the calling that God has given to us!

Have a wonderful Good Friday and Easter.

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