Monday, November 30, 2009

Big Week at Chain of Lakes

This is a big week in the life of Chain of Lakes Church.

First, we are hosting a concert by the Cedar Lake 7, tomorrow night, December 1 at 7:00 p.m. at the Senior Center in Lino Lakes, 1189 Main Street. Tickets are $5 for adults; kids are FREE. All proceeds go to support CEAP, a community-based charity that offers many types of assistance to families in need. This concert is a wonderful way for people to be introduced to our faith community. We have invested a lot of our time and resources into this concert—and I’m looking forward to seeing how the Spirit works tomorrow night.

if you haven't bought a ticket yet, you can call our office--651-528-7321--or just come to the concert.

Second, this Sunday, December 6 we will worship for the first time on Sunday mornings. We will gather to worship at 10:30 a.m. at the Senior Center. We are already scrambling this week to do the items in preparation for worship that eventually will become common-place. Items like doing a bulletin, making sure we have all of our furnishings, having people organized to provide worship leadership, and small items like bringing a lighter so we can light the candles. This afternoon I spent a couple hours traveling to another Presbyterian Church to borrow banners.

If people worship with us on Sunday, they’ll have the opportunity to say in future years, “I attended the very first Sunday morning worship service at Chain of Lakes.” We are not doing a lot of advertising for this service as one important part of our gathering is to learn how to worship together.

I am looking forward to preaching for the people at Chain of Lakes. Yesterday I preached at Church of the Apostles in Burnsville. I shared with them that I had been on the road on Sundays since the middle of August preaching and speaking at different Presbyterian churches. I ended up preaching or speaking at Edgcumbe, Central, Community in Rochester, Presbyterian Church of the Way (twice), Kasson, St. Croix Falls, Hudson, Valley, Buffalo, and then concluded at Church of the Apostles’ in Burnsville. I enjoyed being an itinerant preacher/speaker, but I especially looked forward to writing sermons for the people at Chain of Lakes.

This Sunday that will begin.

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