This morning kids from all over the state of Minnesota gathered at bus stops for school—most of them going to the first day of school. Our daughter, Hannah, went to Roosevelt Middle School for her first day of sixth grade. I am very much looking forward to going home to hear how her day went.
Amy started a tradition of taking pictures of Hannah by a chalkboard on the first day of school. As we were taking the pictures Hannah’s eyes noticed the other youth her age walking to the bus stop. “Hurry up,” she said (in a pleasant voice) as we took pictures. She’s getting to that age where she doesn’t want to appear to her friends to be too dependent on her parents.
When she got to the bus stop she found her girl friends from the neighborhood—I think there are seven of them. They stayed together in a group as all the other Middle School kids in our neighborhood gathered at the bus stop—nineteen in all.
I’m grateful for everyone who gives their time to help educate our youth. This past Sunday at Chain of Lakes New Church we prayed for teachers and administrators and custodians and principals and bus drivers, and cooks and hall monitors and anyone else we could think of who help in education. They are valuable and certainly undervalued by our world.
I have no fear of sending Hannah off to Roosevelt Middle School for her first day of sixth grade. I legitimately trust that every adult who will be in contact with her is ready to help educate her. I know that our public schools are criticized harshly—and sometimes fairly—but today is a day to celebrate what we have. In our neighborhood nineteen kids got on the bus for a new journey—and we have confidence that it will be successful.
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