Thursday, April 17, 2014

Holy Week at Chain of Lakes Church!

The weather is terrible—I was up at 5:45 a.m. this morning digging out one of our cars that got stuck in our driveway.

The good news is that Easter is coming!  And we have some wonderful services and ministries taking place over the next four days at Chain of Lakes.. 

Tonight we are gathering at Da Vinci Academy at 7:00 p.m. to celebrate Maundy or Holy Thursday worship.  We will be blessed by a drama called “The Trial of Jesus” that Mary Ann Archer and Sally Narr wrote.  The two of them put together a group of people from our new congregation who will be presenting the Trial.  We will celebrate Communion.  Child Care is available.

On Saturday, April 19th we will enjoy the second Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt on the Chain of Lakes property.  Last year’s event was held in the snow, so a foot of snow is not going to stop us this year.  The Steering Committee of our new congregation has stepped up to the plate to organize the event.  We will have prizes and the Easter Bunny is showing up!

This Sunday, April 20th we will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ in worship.  We will enjoy the choir, terrific music, a video, a sermon, and most importantly the presence of God.  We’ve been working on this service for over a month, so I can’t wait to see how the Spirit works. 

Come join us at Chain of Lakes to remember the most inspiring drama that has ever happened—the last four days of the life of Jesus.  

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