Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Day 17 How can we grow in faith during COVID-19

Good morning, friends. This is day 17 of a weekday video devotional series called, “Facing fear without being afraid.” If you enjoy the content, share it on your own Facebook page, like it, make a comment yourself.

During Holy Week I’m following the last week of the life of Jesus.  In particular I’m looking at moments when Jesus expressed strong emotions.  We might compare them to a COVID-19 moment that we’ve had.

Today I want to look at the story of Jesus cursing a fig tree. I’m look at Matthew 21:18-22. You can also find the story in Mark. Jesus came into Jerusalem in the morning and was looking for breakfast.  He saw a fig tree.  It didn’t have any figs. He cursed the tree and it withered at once.

Why would Jesus do this? Was he having a bad start to his day? Did his hunger overwhelm him? Was his fear about what would happen later in the week get the best of him?

When we look at any Bible passage, I encourage us to ask four questions. What does the passage teach about God, about humanity, about the church, about ourselves.

In this story we learn about ourselves and faith. When the disciples saw what happened to the fig tree they were confused. How did this happen? Jesus taught them that with faith they could not nly do what he did to the fig tree. They could even throw a mountain into the sea.

Jesus was using a metaphor, or course. But the point is important. Faith gives us the possibility to believe what might seem impossible. For example it might seem impossible to think we could grow in faith during COVID-19. But perhaps lessons of the story of the fig tree can help. God can even use this situation to help us grow in faith.

So--how can this COVID-19 crisis prompt you to grow in your own faith? A simple question. How can this COVID-19 crisis prompt you to grow in your faith?

Pray about this question. Talk about it with the people closest t you? Share the question with people in your church.
We might not grow in faith in extraordinary ways. But Jesus said faith the size of a mustard seed can cause a mountain to be moved.  What’s your answer to this question.

Your answer to this question will help you face fear without being afraid. Blessing on your exploration. And blessing on your day.

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